Tuesday, May 23, 2006

Alone in the blogosphere

Yesterday I panicked. I thought for a little while that I was alone in the blogosphere. I called Dr. Blog, aka JBO and we had a good brainblogstorming session. While the goals are still not as clear as I wish they were, it has given me (us) renewed hope. One of our agreed upon goals is to get a comment from someone we don't know. (An actual reader would also be a good thing, but this didn't come up as a goal).

We discussed the idea of community, how if you want blog friends one must be proactive and provide stimulation (aka comments) to other bloggites. So I'll give this a try later today and report on my results. Of course, giving comments is a bit tricky in itself. Should I give comments to the Transsexual bog, the communist blog, the terr*r*s*t blog, and the porno blog - forsheezee, aren't there any normal blogs out there? Stay tuned, and while you're waiting visit that other blog http://skiletsrage.blogspot.com/.


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