Wednesday, May 31, 2006

A body of intelligence

Sometimes the desire to have something is stronger than the genuine need. In fact, this is the case most of the time. Following, the actuality of a situation is rarely as satisfying, in relation to the thought process that proceeded it.

Inside the mind, the commingling of chemicals that translate into sensory perceptions are like one big orgy. Realized one at a time, things appear quite lackluster. If you were watching one of those commercials right now, the part taking place inside the mind would be like a 120-piece ensemble marching band. The outside representation would be a one-man band.

So the question becomes, how does one externalize this orgy so that it feeds into our practical, minute-by-minute realities? (i.e. so that you are not having a one-man orgy).

Some say it is by slowing down the mind. Cessation of the waves of the mind. A stillness of sorts where every thought is a new thought, not predicated on what happened earlier or what may happen tonight, tomorrow, next week, or next year.

Others say it is by harnessing the intelligence of the body. Not treating our physical body like a trash can, rather, by giving it proper standing - on the level with organs such as the heart, lungs, and liver. The body is not idleness waiting for stimulus, rather the body freely transmits vast intelligence into the brain - from the fingertips to the toenails. Said another way, tend to the roots and the flowers will bloom. The root is in this case the body and the mind is in turn the flowers.

I tend to agree with both of them, and give credit to Maslow for providing the underpinning of my opinion. With Maslow, we were led to believe there is a hierarchy in place and once you attain level one, you are able to begin the work toward arriving at the next level.

I would argue that these levels are constantly fluctuating inside our minds and bodies. The need for food is necessary every few hours; the need for shelter is necessary each and every day. The need for belongingness and love presents itself each time we bump a toe or spill our coffee. Back & forth, up and down.

All that said, today I retreat to the body and work on penetrating these sheaths - skin, muscle, bone, blood and nerves, with my sights set on the heart. If today's journey doesn't provide the orgy, given the opportunity, I will look again the following day.


Blogger Skiletsrage said...

Stony post. Once the mirror coagulates back onto the wall I will re-read this and post a more coherent comment. Good to see your back after your slacking off!

5/31/2006 7:20 PM  
Blogger Skiletsrage said...

I'm back. So wait, self orgies aren't good? I thought I had stumbled onto the secret to the Universe? And who the hell is Maslow?

5/31/2006 8:57 PM  
Blogger Scott said...

random - i think you need a blog to explain what you are referring to. you are being vague, aka krypt'cal.

6/01/2006 9:42 AM  
Blogger akacontinues said...

Lost Dog if found please contact me

6/07/2006 11:21 PM  
Blogger Skiletsrage said...

C'Pod......donde estas?

6/28/2006 9:48 PM  

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