Saturday, April 22, 2006

What the !!??!?!

These are exciting times at the Crackpod. Today we ported over (READ: cut/paste) all the old stuff from Wordpress into the Blogger tool. Wordpress was just too much of a headache for me. I had trouble with the html formatting and inserting photos correctly. In sum, I spent too much time on the technicalities of the product instead of on the blogging part. So I moved over to Blogger as it seemed to have a friendlier interface to work from. The downside in all this was that we lost all our readers comments. I know I will be getting hundreds of complaints about my expressED opinion. But hey, it's my blog, so READ and WEEP.

Living in the city, exposure to wildlife is somewhat limited. As I used to work next to a balcony, I enjoyed putting out some seed and watching the birds come and go. At times, the seed was all gone and the birds would try to intimidate me as the photo of the Blue Jay shows above. He would eventually get what he wanted and move on to the tree across the street where at times he appeared to be feeding his young with the mash. Over the years, I saw lots of cool birds that would just sort of hang out on the balcony, sunning themselves when the opportunity presented, and always feeding.


Blogger Skiletsrage said...

you ever eat any of those birds?

4/25/2006 5:56 PM  

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