Friday, April 21, 2006

One day at a time.

One more cup of coffee for the road,
One more cup of coffee 'fore i go
To the valley below.

- Bob Dylan, One more Cup of Coffee

Sometimes I find myself, right smack in the middle of the day thinking, "this would make a great blog entry". Of course, it is hours later that i have time to enter the kind words into the blog and by then, it is like waking up from a dream. Forgotten but not lost.

I wonder aloud, "How is JBO doing with his caffeine addictions?" I went through a 3 week everyday coffee habit that finally ended after it wore me down. After not drinking a cup of coffee for about 3 years, I broke down while in Utah two months ago. He we are in a 'kind' house in Park City during the ski season. Is there any better way to start a cold morning in the mountains than with a cup of strong joe? of course not. So, bowing to my inner sense of ritual, I partook in coffee that morning and every morning while I was there. Upon returning home, I was back on my green tea habit (mostly dragonwell, for those still reading). About a week later I came down with a cold. Lacking energy and feeling down, I went back to the well and started buying small drip cofeee's from the corner cafe. Then it was medium, and not very long before it was LARGE. A few weeks later, I was drained.

Coffee is a rollercoaster that I can not stay on for very long. I love the taste of a good cappuccino and even a good drip, but after a few days, the coffee just isn't as tasty anymore but I continue to drink it. again out of ritual, and the need for speed. But the reality is that is sends me up and then down just as hard. It is difficult me to handle those ups and downs. So after all this, I bought 2 ounces of Dragonwell last week and am back to boiling a pot of water and steeping the tea in the pot each morning. I like to think that I can get a cup of coffee and enjoy it for all its worth without feeling like i 'need' another cup. The addiction thing is tough. Especially after being a coffee drinker for 15+ years. Next time I am in LA, I will have a cup of coffee with JBO, if only because he said he'd buy me a cup. Free stuff is also hard to turn down, even if there is no desire for it.

Now I am off to the gym, this perhaps is something I would like to make more of an addiction. For now, I'm taking it day by day.


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